Projects - Stephenstown Link Road

Stephenstown Link Road

Project Description

This project comprised of a link road to facilitate the future development of Stephenstown and provide access to 50 acres of development land. It involved the construction of 500m of 10m new carriageway, 360m of 6.5m carriageway, a 40m OD roundabout construction and the realignment and tie-in to the existing Clonard Street Road

The main elements of the works included site clearance and fencing, earthworks (over 50,000m3) the construction of footpaths, cycleways, foul & surface water drainage, public lighting and utility services, provision of new road markings, signage, and the diversion and reinstatement of services. The Contractor Design Elements included Public Lighting, Safety Barrier and Landscaping.


Fingal County Council (Economic, Enterprise and Tourism Development Department)


Balbriggan, County Dublin


O Connor Sutton Cronin


Main Contractor and PSCS

More Information
link  for press release on completion of link road