Projects - River Dargle Package H – People’s Park

River Dargle Package H – People’s Park

Project Description

Forming part of the River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme Works, Package H involved public realm works with the installation of new services (ESB, Water main, Drainage) to the existing Lower Dargle Road in Bray, installation of paths and street lighting, resurfacing and construction of new junction to tie into Castle Street.

The main elements of the work included:
• Upgrade of water main, New Storm water sewers and gullies
• Installation of new underground ESB
• Construction of new road surface
• Regrade of 2 Junctions and installation of traffic island
• Installation of tactile crossings, bollards and pedestrian guardrails
• New double head LED streetlights, Decorative railings and masonry wall curved and granite Paving at entrance to Park
• Soft landscaping works and raised planters with Exposed Aggregate walls and Yellow Granite Capping


Wicklow County Council


People's Park, Bray, County Wicklow


Byrne Looby


Works Contractor and PSCS