The contract is for the provision of network maintenance services and remedial works on selected high-speed motorway and dual carriageway sections (including junctions and slip roads) of the national road network in Ireland.
Works include overlay and inlay pavement works along with minor civil works. Network A is centred in the Greater Dublin area and totals 160km of Motorway including M50 Junctions and parts of the: M1/N1, M2/N2, M3/N3, M4/N4, M7/N7 M9 and M11/N11. It also included over 110km of other roadway (including junctions and slip roads).
Services included:
• Routine inspections and maintenance of the asset, including pavement (resurfacing and inlays), safety barrier, drainage, structures, bridges and signage
• Responds to incidents on the network, including emergencies and repair to damage
• Severe weather response & winter maintenance service
• Summer maintenance which includes grass cutting, spraying of weeds etc.
• Collection & management of asset data within an inventory system
• Improvement, rehabilitation and renewals works when directed by the TII
• Daily patrols and safety patrols on the network as required
Transportation Infrastructure Ireland (TII)
Greater Dublin Area
Works Contractor and PSCS