Jons Civil Engineering Company Ltd. (JCEL) is committed to maintaining a working environment that is attentive to the environment and in compliance with all applicable European, National and Local Regulations and codes of best practice.
We are committed to performing all of our activities, operations and other services in a manner that eliminates or minimises any adverse impacts on the environment (giving high priority to the prevention of pollution to air, water and land).
We are committed to the continual improvement of our environmental performance and we fully promote a sustainability and life cycle approach encouraging individual environmental responsibility throughout our projects.
We have extensive experience working in sensitive environments such as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs).
EHS Policy
Our specific endeavours are outlined in the our EHS policy. We are committed to:
- The continual education and training of our employees;
- Reduction in our consumption of natural resources;
- Liaising with environmental bodies to reduce our impact;
- Minimise waste generation.

Management Programme
We actively support this policy by setting objectives and targets, and implementing an effective Environmental Health and Safety Management Programme on all of our sites.
Our Environmental Management Systems is registered to ISO14001 by the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) since 2009.